The First in New England to Assess the NuPulseCV iVAS System

The NuPulseCV Intravascular Ventricular Assist system (iVAS) is a novel, minimally invasive mechanical circulatory support device that provides long-term support for patients with advanced heart failure who are not benefiting from medications or cardiac resynchronization therapy.
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WATCH-DM Risk Score Predicts Heart Failure Risk in Diabetes Patients

Senior woman with glucometer checking blood sugar level at home. Diabetes, health care conceptIn September 2019, results from the DAPA-HF trial revealed that SGLT2 inhibitors may be helpful for patients with heart failure. These therapies may also be used to prevent heart failure in patients with diabetes*. However, a way of accurately identifying which diabetes patients are most at risk for heart failure has been elusive.
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Transforming Cardiovascular Medicine Across Brigham Health

On August 1, 2019, John F. Keaney, Jr., MD, assumed the role of chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Department of Medicine and executive director of the Heart and Vascular Center (HVC) at Brigham Health.
Keaney info box, cardiovascular medicine Read More

Cardiac Surgery Team Improves Care with Pioneering ERAS Protocol

Julie Crowell, BSN, RN, helps patient James Mitchell sit up in a chair as part of the Cardiac Surgery ERAS pathway.
Julie Crowell, BSN, RN, helps patient James Mitchell sit up in a chair as part of the Cardiac Surgery ERAS pathway.

The Division of Cardiac Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital has a rich tradition of innovation, having performed the world’s first successful valve surgery in 1923 and the first heart transplant in New England in 1984.
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At ESC Congress 2019, Brigham Health Investigators Present Cardiovascular Discoveries

At the 2019 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress, investigators from Brigham Health presented results from highly anticipated cardiovascular trials with the potential to transform clinical practice.

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Cardiovascular Genetics Center Continues to Lead the Way

DNA helix strand made of waterThe team at Brigham Health’s Heart & Vascular Center have been pioneers in cardiovascular genetics since the field’s inception in the 1980s when Jon and Christine Seidman discovered the genetic cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Since that time, they have continued to lead innovation and growth, both in fundamental discovery and clinical practice.
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Connective Tissue Disorders Program Provides Comprehensive Care

Male cardiologist gestures while discussing diagnosis with an unrecognizable female patient.For more than two decades, Brigham Health has been providing comprehensive cardiac care for patients with Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue disorders, including Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

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Q&A with William Sauer, MD: New Chief of Brigham’s Cardiac Arrhythmia Service

Stethoscope and ElectrocardiogramWilliam Henry Sauer, MD, the new chief of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at Brigham Health, discusses his vision for the department and how an expert team of electrophysiologists are providing leading-edge care for abnormal heart rhythms that affect a variety of patients, particularly those with complex medical concerns.
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Hepatitis C-Infected Hearts and Lungs Safely Transplanted

As the number of patients in need of heart or lung transplants continues to exceed the number of donor organs that are viable and available, many patients die while waiting for a transplant. Through the DONATE HCV Trial, a team at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is expanding the donor pool by enabling transplantation from hepatitis C-infected donors.

In a recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, a multidisciplinary team of experts from Brigham and Women’s Hospital reported a 100 percent success rate for transplant recipients who received lungs or a heart infected with hepatitis C (HCV).

Six months after transplantation, patients remained hepatitis C free and had functioning transplanted organs. The trial showed that a four-week antiviral treatment regimen started immediately following organ transplantation prevented HCV infection in all patients and led to excellent outcomes. Given the success of the trial, enrollment continues.

The DONATE HCV Trial is the largest clinical trial to date for HCV thoracic organ transplantation. “If even half the other centers in the United States were to adopt the Brigham protocol, we would, in fact, shorten the time to transplantation by nearly half,” says Mandeep Mehra, MD, medical director of the Heart & Vascular Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The team has enrolled 69 participants to date.

In the above video, hear more from the investigators pioneering this trial, including:

Can Patients at Low Risk of Surgery Have TAVR?

3D Illustration of Human Heart AnatomyThe PARTNER-3 Continued Access Trial: TAVR in low-risk patients

Brigham and Women’s Hospital is one of two centers in New England currently participating in the PARTNER 3 Continued Access Trial that offers transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) to low-risk patients undergoing valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis.
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