Pulmonary Microbiome May Identify Patients With High-risk Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

CT Scan of a patient with LAM

Souheil Y. El-Chemaly, MD, and Julie Ng, MD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and colleagues conducted the first study to examine the lung microbiome of patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) who were at high risk of disease progression or death.


Active Lifestyle May Reduce Incidence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Yue Liu, MD, a research fellow at the Brigham, Tianyi Huang, ScD, an associate epidemiologist, and colleagues have linked physical inactivity and sedentary behavior with obstructive sleep apnea incidence, suggesting an active lifestyle may have a role in prevention.


Asthma Is Greatest Risk Factor for Early COPD in U.S. Latino/a/x Communities

Older Male Patient Uses Spirometry - Respiratory Test

Several studies in predominantly older white populations have identified various risk factors for early COPD such as asthma. Now, Fariha Khalid, MD, MPH, Alejandro A. Diaz, MD, MPH, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and colleagues have conducted one of the largest studies of early COPD in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos.


Knocking Out Respiratory Viruses Before They Cause Damage

Brigham researchers are seeking to limit the severe effects of respiratory viruses by using new methods to reduce the viral load and excessive lung inflammation that are common with these lung infections. Pulmonologist Bruce D. Levy, MD, is a corresponding author of a recently published article on this research.


Image Intelligence Promotes Understanding and Treatment of Lung Disease


Lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be remarkably diverse in their pathologies and the ways in which patients respond to treatment. To better understand diseases such as COPD, pulmonary vascular disease and interstitial lung disease, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital created the Applied Chest Imaging Laboratory (ACIL). The lab leverages the power of imaging and hypothesis-driven modeling to create algorithms that empower clinical and genetic research.

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Robotic Thoracic Surgery Extends Minimally Invasive Options to More Patients

Doctor operating robotic console
Dr. Jon Wee is shown here operating in the robot console, directing the robot arms.

Developments in robotic surgery are enabling procedures in minimally invasive thoracic surgery that previously were not feasible. At Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a team that includes thoracic surgeons and pulmonologists along with experts in vascular surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care has facilitated the increased use of these procedures for many different medical conditions. Read More

Study Reveals New Insights Into Source of Certain Long-Haul COVID Symptoms

doctor speaking with patient

Results of an invasive cardiopulmonary exercise test (iCPET) explain why patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS), also known as long-haul COVID, suffer from fatigue, shortness of breath and lightheadedness when exerting themselves. A recent study published in the journal CHEST found that PACS patients without cardiopulmonary disease demonstrate a marked reduction in aerobic activity and impaired systemic oxygen extraction, along with an exaggerated hyperventilatory response during exercise.

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Brigham Ahead of the Curve on Implementing New Asthma Care Guidelines to Transform Patients’ Lives

Woman sitting on bed with hand to chest as if having trouble breathing

When new clinical care guidelines are issued, it often can take years before they are widely inculcated among practicing physicians. However, in the case of new asthma care guidelines issued in 2020, Brigham and Women’s Hospital has been implementing the recommended new treatment approaches for several years.

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Innovating Lung Transplant Protocols During the COVID-19 Surge

illustration of lung interiorHospitals across the country pushed the pause button on elective surgeries and non-emergency procedures during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, patients requiring lifesaving organ transplants couldn’t wait. To meet these patients’ urgent needs, the transplant team at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Lung Center sprang into action, quickly creating new protocols to help the sickest of the sick.

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New ECMO Transport Program at the Brigham

clinicians with EMCOAt Brigham and Women’s Hospital, The Lung Center has launched a new extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) Transport Program to provide lifesaving ECMO treatment to hospitalized patients at community hospitals in New England. The unique program arranges for ECMO specialists at the Brigham to travel to hospitals in the community, put patients on ECMO and bring them back to The Lung Center for complex pulmonary care.

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