Inquire About Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Patients With Endometriosis

Woman sitting on bed and holding abdomen, suffering from endometriosis pain

In the first study of its kind, Iwona Gabriel, MD, PhD, and Vatche A. Minassian, MD, MPH, of the Urogynecology Group, and colleagues found women and adolescents with surgically confirmed endometriosis are at substantially greater risk than others of having multiple lower urinary tract symptoms.


Role of DNA Damage Response Genes in Prostate Cancer Similar for African Americans, European Americans

Representation of the <em>BRCA2</em> gene

Adam S. Kibel, MD, and Anna Plym, PhD, of the Division of Urology, and colleagues conducted the most comprehensive study to date on the role of inherited DNA damage response (DDR) genes in aggressive prostate cancer. They report high carrier frequency of DDR gene alterations in lethal cases irrespective of ancestry.


Metabolic Syndrome and Its Treatment Affects Response to Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

3D rendering of prostate cancer cells from top-down view

Adam S. Kibel, MD, and Jiun-Hung Geng, of the Brigham’s Division of Urology, and colleagues recently conducted the first study of how the combination of metabolic syndrome and its treatment affect response to androgen deprivation therapy in castration-sensitive prostate cancer.


Cardiac Risk Substantially Lower with Enzalutamide Than Abiraterone

Using the world’s largest pharmacovigilance database, Eugene B. Cone, MD, Quoc-Dien Trinh, MD, and colleagues determined the risk of cardiac adverse events is increased substantially with abiraterone and not at all with enzalutamide.


Urology Subspecialists Are Still Predominantly White, Male

Building a racially/ethnically representative urology workforce is becoming even more important. Elodi J. Dielubanza, MD, associate surgeon in the Division of Urology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and colleagues recently conducted the first study that describes demographic trends in urologic subspecialties.


Time-driven Activity-based Costing Informs Management of Acute Ureteral Stones

George E. Haleblian, MD, urologic surgeon in the Division of Urology at the Brigham, and colleagues applied TDABC to acute urolithiasis. They report wide variation in costs between care pathways, suggesting opportunities to trim inefficient or wasteful services.


Helping Women Navigate Changes in Their Pelvic Health

Elodi Dielubanza, MD, associate surgeon in the Brigham’s Division of Urology, is seeking to normalize female urinary tract and pelvic floor disorders. She helps patients with these disorders to restore their normal daily function through surgery, medications, physical therapy and behavior modification.


Taking Tumor Boards to the Next Level

Tumor board meeting

While traditional tumor boards are common at most academic medical centers, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center (DF/BWCC) has taken its 10-year-old tumor board to the next level by integrating molecular pathology into their discussions.

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Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Guiding Urology Care

Man on virtual visit on tabletThe Division of Urology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital provides expert, individualized care for a range of urological conditions. Because many urological treatments have similar clinical outcomes, division surgeons are gathering data called patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). They plan to use PROMs to better identify the nuances of treatment outcomes and determine how these outcomes affect quality of life for individual patients.

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