Telemedicine Extends Brigham’s Rich History of Neurosurgical Innovation to Underserved Areas

Woman wearing mask sitting on couch holding up tablet with female doctor on telemedicine video call

Advances in telemedicine are enabling the Brigham to bring high-quality neurosurgical care to patients nationally and internationally. Timothy R. Smith, MD, PhD, MPH, of the Department of Neurosurgery, discusses how these efforts reflect the broader movement to meet patients’ right to healthcare globally.


STEMI Rare in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19, but Prognosis Is Poor

Close up of white graph paper from electrocardiogram showing ST-elevation

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently completed the first large multicenter study of the incidence of ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as a complication of COVID-19. STEMI was rare in 0.35% of patients but was associated with poor in-hospital outcomes and high mortality.


Higher-Dose Vupanorsen Significantly Reduces Non–HDL-C, Other Lipid Parameters

3D color molecular model rendering of ANGPTL3, an antisense oligonucleotide found in the liver

A potential cardiovascular benefit of vupanorsen would best be reflected by its effects on non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non–HDL-C) and apolipoprotein B (ApoB). Brigham researchers studied vupanorsen at higher doses and observed significant reductions in non–HDL-C at all doses studied.


Reduction of Atrial Fibrillation Burden Is a Worthwhile Therapeutic Target in HFpEF

ECG heart rhythm recording on white paper showing atrial flutter, with gold stethoscope on top

In a post hoc analysis of the PARAGON-HF trial, Scott D. Solomon, MD, of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and colleagues evaluated how atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter affected the results.


Review: Role of Pronator Quadratus Repair in Volar Locking Plate Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures

Rendering of human hand bones with pronator quadratus muscle in anterior compartment of the forearm

Surgeons in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently reviewed the evidence for and against pronator quadratus (PQ) muscle repair.


Could an Intranasal Vaccine Transform Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment?

Diagram of Alzheimer's disease with amyloid plaques, neurofilbrillary tangles, and neuronal loss

A groundbreaking intranasal vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) developed at Brigham shows tremendous promise in its first phase of human trials. Study leader Howard L. Weiner, MD, discusses the trial’s progress to date, planned future phases, and how the vaccine could shape the future of AD care.


Icosapent Ethyl Reduces Risk of CV Events and Death in Patients With Prior MI

3D atomic rendering of icosapent ethyl

The REDUCE-IT trial found patients at risk had reduced important ischemic events with icosapent ethyl. Prakriti Gaba, MD, and Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and colleagues, conducted a post hoc analysis limited to patients in the trial who had a history of myocardial infarction (MI).


Progressive Parental Leave Policy in the Mass General Brigham Neurology Residency

Father holds up infant, mother watching while smiling

Mass General Brigham Neurology Residency leaders recently revised its parental leave policy to better embody equity, fairness, transparency, and wellness values. They discuss the impact of the updated policy and offer suggestions for other programs that wish to implement a parental leave policy with similar goals.


Chest X-ray Not Routinely Indicated After Chest Drain Removal

Chest x-ray showing tension pneumothorax on the left side of lung, needs chest tube drain

Once the final chest drain is removed after cardiothoracic surgery, it is common practice to obtain a chest X-ray to evaluate for air or fluid that may have accumulated in the process of drain removal. However, the results of a retrospective study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital suggest routine imaging isn’t necessary.


Ustekinumab Dose Intensification Safe, Effective for Patients With Chronic Pouch Disorders

Interleukin 23 (IL-23) protein molecule, target of ustekinumab

Patients with ulcerative colitis who require total proctocolectomy with ileal pouch–anal anastomosis can develop a chronic pouch disorder. Because some patients treated with ustekinumab lost response, Brigham researchers explored the effects of intensifying the dosage and found it safe and effective.