New Tool Allows Early Prediction of Disease Course in Multiple Sclerosis

Rendering of orange microglia cells damaging the myelin sheath of neuron axons

Using machine learning, researchers in the Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center and colleagues have developed a tool for predicting what the outcome of patients with recently diagnosed MS will be in 10 years.


Video Decision Aids Plus Remote Clinician Training Improved Advance Care Planning During COVID-19

Doctor on video call with older female patient

The need for advance care planning (ACP) was especially heightened for older, Black, and Latino/a/x patients at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brigham researchers tested an ACP intervention with video decision aids and remote clinician training, reporting improved ACP documentation rapidly and efficiently.


Women, People With Low Incomes Still Have Worse Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery

Close up of female patient lying on hospital bed with ID bracelet, recovering from surgery

Over the past decade in cardiac surgery, health policy initiatives have been implemented to reduce sex and socioeconomic status disparities. To evaluate progress in the U.S., researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently conducted the largest nationally representative study to date.


Women With IBD Are Vulnerable to Postpartum Infections

Close up of woman holding newborn infant in hospital after giving birth

Brigham and Women’s Hospital conducted the first study that examined a wide spectrum of infectious complications and included a non-IBD control group. They report a higher risk of postpartum infections in women with IBD regardless of the mode of delivery.


New Tool Predicts Success of Direct Endoscopic Necrosectomy With LAMS for Pancreatic Walled-Off Necrosis

Rendering of blue human body concept with pancreas highlighted in red

Marvin Ryou, MD, director of endoscopic innovation, and Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, director of endoscopy, recently conducted the first study of which patients are most likely to respond to direct endoscopic necrosectomy with lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) for pancreatic walled-off necrosis.


Adults With TBI May Benefit From Screening for Cardiometabolic Disease, Other Comorbidities

Female doctor shows brain scan images to older male patient in hospital bed

An analysis of prospectively collected data has demonstrated that adults who sustain traumatic brain injury (TBI), regardless of age and injury severity, are at higher risk of certain cardiovascular, endocrine, neurologic, and psychiatric disorders.


Disparities Noted in Uptake of Cholecystectomy for Idiopathic Pancreatitis

Surgeon performs laparoscopic cholecystectomy on patient

Idiopathic acute pancreatitis (IAP) is an emerging indication for empiric inpatient cholecystectomy. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently found an extremely low rate of adoption and also report disparities in uptake by demographics and geography.


Rates of Spinal Symptoms and Spinal Surgery Are Lower After Bariatric Surgery

Doctor holds up x-ray of spine to show older patient

A study showed patients with a history of bariatric surgery had lower overall complication rates after spinal surgery than morbidly obese patients who did not have bariatric surgery. Now researchers report significant reductions in symptomatic spinal disorders and the need for spinal surgery after bariatric surgery.


Review: Targeting Oncometabolism to Maximize Immunotherapy in Brain Cancer

Cells stained with different colors in a false color image of a tumour sample

Joshua D. Bernstock, MD, PhD, in the Department of Neurosurgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Gregory K. Friedman, MD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues reviewed novel therapies that target oncometabolism and tumor immunometabolism.


Ranked Best Hospital for OB/GYN in the Nation: Q&A With Nawal Nour, MD, MPH

Headshot image of Nawal Nour, MD, MPH standing in hallway smiling with arms crossed

Brigham and Women’s Hospital is ranked #1 in the nation for obstetrics and gynecology by U.S. News & World Report 2022-23. Nawal Nour, MD, MPH, chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, discusses how the team’s dedication and perseverance has contributed to this major accomplishment.