FDA-Approved HeartMate 3 Pump Provides New Option for Advanced Heart Failure Patients

On October 19th, 2018, the HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System (LVAD) was approved by the FDA as a destination therapy for patients with advanced heart failure who are not eligible for a heart transplant.

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Unique Program Addresses the Complex Needs of Older Cancer Patients

Blurred shot of a team of doctors standing together in a hospitalTreating cancer is always a challenge, but elderly patients can add another level of complexity. For that reason, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute banded together to create the Older Adult Hematologic Malignancy Program.
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Could ‘Precursor Escape’ Explain Advanced High-Grade Serous Carcinoma?

Over a decade ago, Christopher Crum, MD, of Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center (DF/BWCC), helped design the protocol that revealed the fallopian tubes to be the origin of most high-grade serous carcinomas (HGSCs), the tumor type afflicting over two-thirds of women with ovarian cancer.

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Unlocking the Mysteries Behind Uterine Fibroids

3D rendering of DNA double helix on a blue background.Uterine leiomyomatas, also known as uterine fibroids, are the most common pelvic tumor in women. About 75 percent of women will develop fibroids, and the average affected uterus has six to seven of these tumors. Cynthia Morton, PhD, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is active in studying gene variants that cause fibroid tumors and can influence risk as well.

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Case Study: Cancer Diagnostic Service (CDS) Expedites Next Steps in Care

Louise I. Schneider, MD, a member of the Cancer Diagnostic Service team, discusses next steps with a patient.

For clinically complex patients who present with signs or symptoms of cancer, the Cancer Diagnostic Service (CDS) at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center (DF/BWCC) can expedite a diagnosis and avoid unnecessary testing and delays.

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Metabolic Pathways in Monocyte Development Identified Using HoxB8 Model Cells

Metabolism is a hot topic in immunology. Immune cells carry out diverse functions by exploiting different pathways of taking in nutrients and generating energy. Accordingly, metabolic processes such as glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are now front and center in understanding how cells behave in the context of normal and pathogenic immune responses. Read More

Using CyTOF Mass Cytometry and RNA-seq to Identify New Cell Populations in Arthritis

The inflamed joint is a complex place. Many different types of cells must interact with each other to initiate and sustain inflammation and tissue injury. These include both those resident in the joint before inflammation started and cells that were recruited or developed later. To get a handle on this complexity, investigators need methods that can provide highly detailed portraits of individual cells. A major goal of the Joint Biology Consortium’s Cellular Systems Core, directed by Dr. Jim Lederer, is to accelerate research by JBC members through two such methods: cytometry by time of flight (CyTOF) mass cytometry and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Read More

Human Subject Recruitment via JBC is Helping to Unravel Role of PTPN22 in RA Development

A single genetic variant in PTPN22 has been known for over a decade to convey risk for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but exactly how remains a mystery. Led by rheumatologist and researcher Dr. I-Cheng Ho, investigators at BWH are using the JBC to understand PTPN22 as a regulator of citrullination, the post-translational protein modification of arginine that plays a leading role in RA biology.   Read More

The Joint Biology Consortium: A New Resource for Translational Research in Rheumatology

Conducting high-quality translational research in rheumatology is increasingly difficult. Major projects often require a range of methods, from patient recruitment to cutting-edge ‘omics technologies to big-data bioinformatics. Most research groups lack the expertise to cover this range, and so must either limit the scope of their work or expend substantial effort working outside their “comfort zone” to achieve their research goals. Neither of these options efficiently advances the science of rheumatology.

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Zeroing in on the Genetic Roots of Fibroids

Cynthia Morton, PhD

In the effort to identify genetic drivers of fibroids, the lab of Cynthia Morton, PhD, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) is at an international crossroads. In recent years, Morton and investigators worldwide have been studying the molecular and genetic background of fibroids that may contribute to their development and growth.

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