Placenta Accreta on the Rise, Research Suggests More Options for Safe Management


The increasing frequency of placenta accreta is raising new questions about the best way to manage this dangerous condition. At Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers are creating a body of data to learn if some women with previa-accreta can be selected for a later delivery, if placenta accreta requires general anesthesia, and potential future risks for women who have had accreta during pregnancy.

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1000th TAVR Performed at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

In April 2018, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) Heart & Vascular Center became the first in New England to perform their 1,000th transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedure.

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Cutting-Edge Imaging in the Hybrid Operating Room

The hybrid operating room at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart & Vascular Center now features the state-of-art ARTIS Pheno angiography system. As of March 2018, patients who require hybrid cardiovascular interventions combining intravascular and open surgical procedures are reaping the rewards of this cutting-edge technology.

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Research Offers Insight into Option for Vaginal Versus Cesarean Delivery for Twins

In the face of rising Cesarean section rates – including nearly all twin births, obstetrician Daniela Anne Carusi, MD, MSc, and colleagues at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) questioned whether Cesarean delivery was warranted for all twins.

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Comprehensive NICU Follow-Up Program Addresses Patient Needs, Fosters Innovation

The multidisciplinary NICU Follow-Up Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital now provides close, frequent monitoring and needed services including care for neurological development to ensure that children thriving and meeting developmental milestones. Additionally, specialists in the Program help parents navigate a transition to continued care after their baby leaves the hospital.

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Infant Brain Monitoring Brings NICU Care to New Level

In the newly expanded NICU at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), advanced monitoring of newborn brain activity and oxygen saturation in the brain tissue provides optimal care and protection.

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Center for Oncoendocrinology Provides Care for Cancer Patients with Endocrine Conditions

The Center for Oncoendocrinology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital was established to provide expert endocrine care for cancer patients during and after treatment. Endocrinologists at the Center, a program of Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, can provide specialized knowledge of endocrine issues that may affect your cancer patient.

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Intensive Diabetes Management Program Lowers A1C Levels in Complex Patients

The Setting Targets Achieving Results Diabetes Mellitus (STAR-DM) Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) offers your high-risk diabetes patients an intensive management program to meet their clinical targets, such as achieving their A1C target or avoiding too-low blood glucose.

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Slow-Release Pill Developed to Deliver Multiple Drugs at Once

Medication non-adherence remains a major challenge across nearly all diseases. To address complex medication regimens and combination therapies, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) have developed a “mini pill box” that can stay in the stomach for one week and provide a long-lasting dose of multiple medications.

In a study published online in Nature Communications in Januaryresearchers from BWH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their collaborators describe success in delivering three anti-retrovirals for HIV in a pig model.

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A Novel Diagnostic Model for Chronic Pancreatitis


To address the challenge of accurately diagnosing chronic pancreatitis (CP), researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) have introduced a novel prediction model that combines findings of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with pancreatitis-specific behavioral risk factors.

“We asked, can we come up with a more objective way to diagnose chronic pancreatitis?” says Linda Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy at BWH. “If radiological findings are not obvious for chronic pancreatitis, how do we clinch the diagnosis?”

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